Matching Gift Opportunty
One month ago we announced that Faith in the Family International changed its name to MINISTRY ALLIANCE. The decision was prompted by the need to more accurately reflect our mission and purpose. Since making the announcement we have received many positive comments and affirmations. Thank you to all of you who encouraged us as we move forward into a future of serving ministries and reaching multitudes.
MINISTRY ALLIANCE is a faith-funded organization. This means we rely on the prayer and financial support of friends like you who are willing to stand with us to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere and everywhere that God leads us. Some good news – we have received matching gift commitments totaling $7,500 from a small group of friends of this ministry. It is their desire to celebrate the new opportunity that lies ahead of us so they are willing to match your donation dollar-for-dollar. Will you join them to help reach our gift goal of $15,000? Perhaps you can give $500, $250, $100 or some other amount. Regardless of the size of your gift, we need your partnership.
One of the prominent themes of John’s Gospel is that where Jesus is, there is light. It is through him that we see people and things as they really are – in all their glory and depravity. There is no argument that we live in a period of time when the light is growing dimmer. Jesus warned of this when he said, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:4. Working together we must do what we can, while we can.
Will you say “yes” and help us reach our goal today? Will you gve a gift as God directs you? Whatever you do will be deeply and eternally appreciated.
To make your donation, click on the “MAKE A MINISTRY DONATION” button at the top right of this page.